
Rest Your Love On Me (Olivia Newton-John & Andy Gibb)

Olivia Newton-John & Andy Gibb 演唱的这个版本是我大学时期我听到的最好的英文歌曲,找了很久都没找到。中文网络似乎根本就没有这首歌的影子。最后在YOUTUBE上找到了。后面的留言显示,很多老外在他们是KID的时候听这首歌出了很多洋相:有的摔了一跤,有的淘气孩子立刻变得乖乖的,有的异想天开地以为他们会天长地久,结果很失望:
just look at olivias facial expressions& eyes. you can tell she really loved andy gibb, buthe was in love with someone else, namely victoria principal. shame maybe he wud be still alive if they had got together.
Lovely song!She is so pretty!Andy looks like an angel!He may have had a short life,but looks like he had fun!You made me sit up and take notice when I was a kid!And thirty years later you still do!Bless you both
I had a big crush on her back when I was young and she's still amazing even today.
Like my Dad has always said "no matter how famous or how rich you may or maynot be...there's always some female driving you crazy". In Andys case the initials V.P. apply!!
I saw them sing this song on TV as a pre-teen in the 70s and I thought they were beautiful together. So nice to see this again. Thank you for posting.
我查了一下,好像BEE GEES、ABBA等都唱过,而且这两位歌手后来也唱过,但是哪个也没有这个版本好听:钢琴好,女声好,“男声”更好(我当初以为她们两个都是女声,这样,一个苍老的女声在安慰一个失恋的女生,是一件很女权的事情;可惜,这是异性恋歌曲),听众的掌声也很有意境。更绝的是,我头一次看到她们演唱的视频,看到她们的形象和穿着打扮,居然是如此地八十年代。老六最近出了一本书叫做《闪开,让我歌唱八十年代》,可谓代表了我们这一代的共同回忆;然而,尽管如此,每个八十年代的人还是有不同的个体记忆,比如这首歌,我就打听了好多那个年代过来的人,居然没有知道的。最后,这个视频的宽幅也很有意思,窄窄的,很怀旧的感觉。(更新:我又找到了一个正常宽幅的换上了,想看“窄窄的”那个版本的请去这里。)

Maybe you don't know me anymore than I know you
And I wouldn't blame you if you walked away
I been watchin' you all evenin' with the teardrops in your eyes
And it touches me much more then I can say

You know I'd hate to think that someone
could have hurt someone like you
And if I was him , I'd be right by your side

Lay your troubles on my shoulders
Put your worries in my pocket
Rest your love on me awhile
Lay your troubles on my shoulder
Put your worries in my pocket
Rest your love on me awhile

Saw you in the corner on the moment I walked in
Saw your lonely face across the room
No, I won't forget it
And the way it might have been
Why did you have to leave so soon

You know I'd hate to think that someone
could have loved you more than me
And at times like this I'd be right by your side

Lay your troubles on my shoulders
Put your worries in my pocket
Rest your love on me awhile
Oh baby
Lay your troubles on my shoulders
Put your worries in my pocket
Rest your love on me awhile


How long must I wait for the last train to be here
And the last chance to know
Get to think that I was born too soon
How long honey, when the lovin' don't come
I was there when you left me
Just didn't know how to begin

Lay your troubles on my shoulders
Put your worries in my pocket
Rest your love on me awhile
Lay your troubles on my shoulders
Put your worries in my pocket
Rest your love on me awhile

